EASY ECG- powerpoint presentations

"The ECG learning modules are designed to help you learn how to look at ECG rhythm strips and interpret them. Is the strip the normal rhythm of the heart -- normal sinus rhythm? Or an abnormal and potential dangerous rhythm like ventricular fibrillation? You will also be introduced to the 12-lead ECG and learn how to look for signs of an acute myocardial infarction" - UCSF SCHOOL OF MEDICINE
- ECG Basics
- How to Analyze a Rhythm
- Normal Sinus Rhythm
- Heart Arrhythmias 1
- Heart Arrhythmias 2
- Heart Arrhythmias 3
- Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Advanced 12-Lead Interpretation
- Reading 12-Lead ECGs 1
- Reading 12-Lead ECGs 2
its really awesome!!!! thank you sir.
very usefull!
i hv downloaded it n wil study then will comment but its really good too u have covered all subjects :) may u get reward from Allah for ur effort :)
thanks buddy
It's an excellent ppt.dear
U r great Aslam
hi....i am praying heartly for u for this act of kindness.....May Allah bless u......i really badly needed such kind of a site.....m wishing all the best.....one thing.....can u include images of bone scans for different diseases....thanx
Dear Fellow, thanks for the sharing of wonderful and excellent presentations in all most of all fields, you and your team has made our life so easy and conveniance, i must say that you must be some angel drive from God to spread knowledge amongst us, i am nursing director in Karachi Pakistan, and request you if you could kindly email me the presentations based on nursing care of patients with different type of diseeases that will be really appreciated. Heartly thanks once again. Ms. Rozina Nizar - rozina.nizar@gmail.com
Dear Sir this is shahina Ayub nursing instructor in Rehman Medical Institute College of Nursing Peshawar.I really appriatiate your hard work and sincerely thanks for your great efforts.
May Allah Bless you
a wonderful job
Salam to U,
It is indeed very useful and easy to recall as well.
Its very simple to learn wonderful.
Hey man,
Great job. Thank you.
its really very fantastic n awesome,
Thanks a lot for this help really its so simple now....
aneesha,tdmc alleppey.
Very gud sir
highly commendable!! GREAT WORK!!
good good good good sip deh kamu sudah punya pacar belum??????
salam... Very nice Dr.
its realy a great job.wel done aslam
great job buddy!!!!!!!!!!keep going..prayers
An excellent concept
.excellent job sir..i used to have a lots of confusion in diagnosing the ecg..ur work has helped me a lot..thank u very much for the stupendous presentations..
very helpfull
Thanks with appreciation.
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thanx to you n your team for the hardwork
thanx bro its very helpful....
Hey man,
Great job. Thank you.
thanks, very helpful and informative
thanks buddy
I cannot thank you enough for all of the wonderful effort that was put into these presentations. I have minimal understanding of the EKG process and must teach it tomorrow evening. What a find this website was. God Bless You.
Assalaam... May Almighty God reward u for all these posts, it really helps me..
Dear Dr.Aslam,
Many thanks for creating & supporting such a precious site, where free knowledge is available like a delicious dish. I have sent one of my powerpoint lecture upon Hypersensitivity Reactions. I am preparing few more also for this blog. Kindly forward or upload some good ppts upon Periodontia subject.
Many thanks to all authors , especially Dr. Venkatesh Shashidhar.
With best wishes
Dr.Dilip Dave
thank u
I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Doctor House
Medical Videos
Dear Dr Aslam.
Came across your site by accident.Congratulations on job welldone.Your site is really usefull and along with the rest God bless you and thanks.
sir, this is great job done here.
thank you very much sir.such a wonderful job.
Very useful blog for medical professions.Great effort Dr. Aslam
thank you Dr. Aslam. It's really very usefull
Assalamu-alykum wa Rehmatullahi wa barakutuhu
Dear Dr. Aslam
Thanks for this wonderful attempt.
May God Bless you
Thanks for sharing...
dr.this is surely a gr8 help to all of us.thank u
assalamoalykum wr wb wm....
jazak allah khair...
may allah bless u..
Really Congratulating for your hard work.
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Dr.Mansoor Ali
Lecturer, Govt.Homeopathic Medical College. calicut
really very helpful to understand.great job.plz keep doing.
u r the best aslaam
will always remember you!
add me on danish0101@hotmail.com
i am in china, and got lots to discuss.
Dear sir, very useful site. Thankyou very much. I appreciate your efforts.
Do you have any .pdb (medical isilo)files?
Dear Dr.Aslam,,,i dont have any words to say of ur performance in this...it is very helpful...
I am a Post Graduate student in MSc in Medical Toxicology,,
I have some useful ppts..
I am willing to upload those,how can it possible..
Dear Dr, Aslam
thankx for such a wonderful site. Pl. provide me lecture ppt on lipid structure in function if possible
rabia please visit
so nicely prepared !! Thanks for sharing !!
its the best ive ever seen.....u r a blessing to medicos aslam...keep up the good work.god bless u.
It's very great to read you lesson. Your humble work, I keep in mind all the time.
May Allah bless you and your family.
It's simply wonderful.Thanks.
dats really nice!!!
hey.. really thanks man. too useful blog. shows your commitment and hard work.
it is nice presentation very good work . Pls Sent more Powerpoint presentations my Email ID is
Gr8 Work yaar:-) Lucking much more like dis from u in the future...
Thank Yu Dude!!!!!!
thank you very much.........
hi sir.........it is really awsome.....thanks for this ppt......
u`r blog seems really usefull for me...for my preperatin for my final yr....and further.....thanks a lot....
aryeka{ghmct}..final yr
thank u sir for d wonderful presentation...i m a final yr student n i was not able to understand ecg well.. ur ppt provided everything simple n easy to understand in a nutshell..
hello sir, thank you for the awesome work on ECG....it helped me a lot
concuse n very apt..thnx
nice onne ..very useful
very nice and straight to the point. thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing Jazak Allah Kheir.
good job sir thanks a lot............
Your job is extremely helful . You made the most common ECG problems easier in interpretation and understanding. Particularly it is free of charge . I will recommand my peers who need it to review their ECG in your web side. Thanks a bundle.
thank you for this! Bless you!
Good work buddy..
http://www.learnerstv.com is one of the most amazing websites for medical videos. They have usmle practice online tests too. All free...
its very useful & in a simple way....
thank u sir........
great job Dr ASLAM
great job aslam,thanks alot
Dr Aslam Great Job !!!
this is sooo helpful thanks alot from Greece
Gazak allah kol khair
ecg really made very simple and easy. an xcellent presentation.higly useful. a must
all medicos..thanks a million
thanx a lot sir .. it was good stuff
very usefull!.... thanks
Good day !.
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May Allah bless you. Min
thank you so much....i didn't have a base of ECG....u gave me a gr8 idea..and also an expert..thanks a lot..keep up this work..appreciate u for ur effort...
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Sir, allow me to convey my sincerest gratitude to the works you put through.
I'm a medical student myself and your powerpoints have been extremely helpful as study materials for me and my colleagues in many subjects. Thank you!
Hey really a good work. ECG is something which all people should know. not only medicos.
Nice post every learner of medical student can download it & also they can R&D.
Thanks for such a great work to medical education
view and download medical powerpoint presentation on http://www.slideworld.org
God Bless
Thank you so much friends for sharing that much usefull medical information and hope all people of this wrold become generous like you and share their knowledge like you for humenity.
dear dr aslam... very nice work have been done by you.. it is useful for many doctors.. its my advise to you to add ayurveda ppt s also,as ther are many ayurved medicine students who visits your blog..
once again..congrates, gr8 job
its really GREAT.every medical student needs such a site.excellent job.
Thankyou very much
Incidentally visited your blog today.I feel this is the most useful site i have ever visited.Jazak Allah.May Allah bless you,sir
Dr Shakeel
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Thank for share
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best of luck.. impressive
its really awesome!!!! thank you Dr. Aslam.
Dear Aslam,
I am an alumni of Calicut medical college and native of Tirur, now working in SCTIMST at Trivandrum. I am extremly impressed by your site and it is a great sevice to the academic fraterniy
With all best wishes to you
I am an Intensive Care Paramedic working in various remote locations around Western Australia. I work with many medical responders with varing skills and knowledge and I would like to thank you for sharing these ppts so that I can share them with them. God bless you and your family.
I have been visiting various blogs for my term papers writing research. I have found your blog to be quite useful. Keep updating your blog with in valuable information... Regards
Sir may the Lord bless u. iam a fourthyear medical student who also tutors younger students and your lectures hav been the tool and so effective.
Keep up the good work... You are a big help. Thanks a million
Fantastic effort and very useful collection of useful books. Gege, can u upload some physical therapy and rehabilitation books? or send me links at birenshah.pt@gmail.com. Thanx buddy
Hi. Dr.Aslam..
its a very nice effort from ur side.. i personally collected many powerpoint presentations and wanna do something like u but cudnt do.. but i m happy tat u hv done which i cudnt do... congratulations to u.. and pls check out there r some presentations which r not opening.. like DKA..
all the best for ur future.. good luck... Dr.Rajat
Excellent job. It is very helpful to me. Thanks buddy!!!!!!!!!!
Ur work is genuinely appreciable!! thanx is infact a very small wrd for such a wonderful collection,its simply awesome
Doc....this is one of the most informative blogs i have ever visited. Thank you so much. everything is simplified...no more sitting and dreading going through hundreds of pages of notes.....thank you again....god bless...
you vill get more medical stuff here
hey thanks all of u.
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thank you very much!! this helped a lot
i got a very good ppt,thanks a lot 4 this venture,god bless you.
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DR. aslam. u are just too good. may go give u the strength to continue this kind act of yours and may you get all that you wish for in life
thanks alot for this innovation
Hi dr. i want to appreciate u , u r too good god bless u!
you are great!!!
none can do this so easily!!!
no word can match your great work!!!
thaks thanks thanks.............
May the almighty GOD richly bless u for this wonderful work.I have learned so much from this site.Nzometia Crysantus from Cameroon
This note is very usefull for general practicners.
Dr. Arun Jaysing
Thank u very very much.I was really searching this from more than year.Thank u and go ahead.God bless you
No words to express....
Hats off to you sir.....
Hey Doc
the people said it all
It's so good to see clever mind at work
Thank U so much
from South Africa
thanks a lot Dr Aslam u have done it so much great please send me paediartics new medicine with diagnostics...and internal diseases with medicine and diagnoses
This was exactly what i was looking for.Thanks for this...
Thank you for writing great information regarding the topic. I am an admirer of your website. Keep up the great job.
Thanks with appreciation.
dear sir it is wonderful job done..these slides are stress releaseres in busy schedule of medical profession,,hats off to you/
Good topic for making an effective dissertation. . . . . Breast Cancer News
excellent attempt to serve medical community
Really it's a genious effort.....great work...thnxx a lot...
thanks for being so selfless :)
I'm lovin it
Very interesting ECG rhythm strips. thanks for the information very helpful.
really awsome blog sir.. !!!
tx doc,great site for med students,will surely recommend,keep up the good work,God bless
thank you very much
thank you very much
Thanks a lot for sharing.It is a great job!!!
Dr.Abdukarim . Univeristy Teaching Hospital.Lusaka.Zambia.
thank you doctor...
its really awesome!!!! thank you
May Allah Bless you! JAZAKALLAH.
assalamu alaikum sir.. u did a great job. may allah bless u.
eid mubarak
most thnxxxxxxxxxxx
salam.thank u for this beneficial site and information,always i use it...Good luck sir
I love the presentation and the lectures in it. Am showing it to the seniors at work so that they will know something... thanks you so much I have a new material to show now..
sir great ,,u realy a university of thought,,,its great for me...accept my friend request on facebook i have sent u sir,,thnx,,have a great tyme
a very useful and informative blog... i really salute ur efforts.. thx
Awesome Sir! Thank you! :)
its realy very useful.thanq so much.swathi
wonderful job.thanks alot
hi sir,
i am an MBBS student i have seen ECG presentations u have posted they are awesome sir. previously i couldn't understand some points given in text book after seeing yours i think i can even explain my friends .
once again than qqqqqqqqqqqqq very much
salaam. It's really a good job. carry on. jazakallah
done a wonderful job! appreciate ur great effort..
thank you very much sir.
Thank you. May Allah Bless you and your family.
This is a very nice Post, Its really good for Students and its really helpful. and those Student who cant make a proper Presentation and Want to Make a proper good powerpoint presentation
. its really informative and helpful for Students .
thanks you
Thanks a lot sir...
I really appreciate all your hard work..
I can't tell you these ppt's are how mush helpful for me to study...
May god bless you sir..And i wish you all the happiness that life could ever offer...
Thanks a lot sir..
I can't tell you these ppt's are how much helpful for me to study..
May god bless you sir..
And I wish you all the happiness that life could ever offer..
dear dr Aslam.,
thank you so much..
really helping me in my presentation..really want to share other presentations from malaysia too and wanna get more from u
from malaysia, zean_1404@yahoo.com.my
thank you doctor ....:D
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